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Blood Sampling Disposable Pressure Sensors

Blood pressure monitoring is an essential adjunct to clinical care, and blood pressure monitoring data is essential for healthcare professionals to carry out their clinical work.


    The pressure transducer with closed blood sampling system is a medical device that can monitor the body's dynamic blood pressure and at the same time collect blood without causing secondary damage. It is widely used in anaesthesiology, ICU and other applications.

    Arterial blood gas analysis is an objective indicator of respiratory failure and is the only reliable indicator of the body's acid-base balance. The pressure sensor with closed blood collection system can be used by medical staff to develop treatment plans for patients with respiratory and metabolic disorders in critical conditions, which is of great importance in clinical treatment.

    The pressure transducer with closed blood collection system is part of invasive blood pressure monitoring, a continuous monitoring process that monitors the change in blood pressure with each beat through each ejection of blood from the heart. In clinical practice, the first step is to select one limb artery and perform an allen's test with a negative result before puncturing and placing the tube. After successful puncture, the pressure measuring line is connected, the sensor is adjusted to the level of the fourth intercostal space in the patient's mid-axillary line, the zero calibration is standardised and the reading is ready.

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